15,14 and 13 all in one post

So we last saw the impending parents looking forward to spending some time with their new nephew. Sunday saw another burst of activity which saw the door go back on the Snook, shelves go up in the kitchen and a new light switch for the bathroom. We spent a happy afternoon taking it turns to have a cwtsh with Deio. In the fine tradition of all babies he took one look at me and started balling, however after being comforted he eventually fell asleep on me (cute photo to follow!)

Sions is still having problems sleeping, so I woke up Monday to a completely cleaned and rearranged kitchen. Fortunately the coffee was still in the same place. Monday saw me escaping work on time to find Janet wielding a steam cleaning thing attacking the fireplace, so me and Sions went shopping! Got a few bits including a new stand for the carry cot for naps in the day (for the baby you understand…) Got back and went to bed. At 7.30.  Slept through, completely failing to wake up ‘early’ to get some work done. Still, Sions slept as well, which I think is a good thing.

Sions seemed to get a twinge in Sainbury’s which gave me a real, well, shock I guess. I mean, it shouldn’t be a shock. I’ve eight and a half months to get used to the idea of this baby, but that ‘it could come right now’ was a bit of a kick up the proverbial. I’ve been happily telling myself that it’ll be late, but of course it could just as easily be early. And I need to get ready. So today, I’ve started sorting out the work to leave for my paternity leave. Just need to spend half an hour tomorrow getting the instructions sorted.

Still got a massive marking backlog, but pretty much everything else is sorted. Need to spend some time on the ICT project soon as well. This post has descended to be being a) about me and b) boring, so I’ll stop there and come back tomorrow with something more baby related.

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