Non-baby stuff

The amount of non-baby stuff is getting less and less all the time, but I wanted to post a couple of quick things here.

Firstly, Pete’s back safe and sound in the country after being off for exactly a year. It’s weird to think in that time the only communication between us has been through a few emails, so it’ll be great to see him in person and do some quality catching up. No idea when it’ll happen, but it’ll be cool when it does. Hopefully, as I set it up for him, he might actually get round to posting a few of his pictures on his flickr account.

Secondly, I hadn’t actually got round to posting anything about Col’s new site. Since he came back he’s been recording some really great songs, and was buggering about with several crap websites. So for his birthday we fixed him up with some hosting, a domain name of his own, and a copy of WordPress. The result? Have a look for yourself at The songs sound really good, and are available to buy for a very reasonable 77p from 

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