D minus 12 – uneventful, D minus 11 – less so

Yesterday. Er. Camera arrived. With a Japanese plug. Still, it was cheap(er) and from ebay. And they did include an adapter, it just took a bit of brute force and ignorance to get the thing in. Welsh lesson. Sleep.

Today. Midwife visited and commented that the bump wasn’t growing as much as she’d hoped. Not sure Sionedwyn agreed, but none the less a trip to the hospital for monitoring was needed. Training session at work was promptly cancelled, and I high tailed it home, feeling just a little bit sick (‘what if…’ etc etc, despite being told repeatedly not to worry). Some listening, a scan and some monitoring later it appears there’s slightly less fluid in there than they would expect. Nowt to worry about in and of itself, but because we want a home birth it’s better they get the checking done now. Back again Sunday, and then again Tuesday to meet with a consultant who will be able to give us a yea or nei on the home birth. I guess if it chooses to make an appearence before we’ll have to go in, so I’m hoping more than ever that that doesn’t happen.

Sionedwyn says she’s not sure that is the case (she’s also moaning about my inability to spell as I type. I suppose I should have at least got her name right. She just sighed as I mis-spelt suppose, and then laughed as I mis-spelt ‘mis-spelt’ …) I guess we’d have to see if and when that happens.

Scan was weird. We both went in hoping we’d get one,  wondering how much the baby would have changed. Answer… still not sure. It waved a couple of fingers at us (no, not those two, this is polite child!), but because it’s* so large now, you can only see one little bit at a time! (Good shot of the thigh bone at one point though!)

In an hour and a half we’ll be D Day minus 10 days. Saturday we’re into single figures. Days like today come along and slap you round the face with the reality of that fact I’m not sure anyone who hasn’t been through it can ever really comprehend.

* Feels REALLY weird typing ‘it’ all the time :0S

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