Well, you’d be tired growing something that’s already the length of lemon

Sionedwyn has spent most of today sleeping. And somehow (probably my Spidey senses) I can tell this isn’t a ‘bugger off it’s Sunday’ kind of sleep, this is a deep down, properly tired, need to recharge kind of sleep.

Part of me is hoping this is a bit like when a caterpillar goes into it’s chrysalis and comes out as a butterfly. She’s sleeping through the transformation into the second trimester and any minute now she’ll wake up and not feel the urge to vomit.

It’s weird. Because she’s been feeling so lousy so far, what with the all-day morning sickness, the tiredness and the hormones most of my thinking time has been caught up with her, and hoping that the fabled ‘glowing’ second trimester hurries up and gets here! So when we sat down yesterday and starting flicking through the day-by-day book I got a real shock when I realised just how quick the little fella (or felles) was growing. Not a shock because I didn’t know it was going on, but just the shock you get when you focus on something that has been rattling round the edges of your consciousness for a while and realised it’s not quite how you left it.

So, for example, our baby is now about the length of a lemon (according to the amazingly brilliant ‘The Pregnancy Countdown Book‘), weighs about an ounce (28g) and (get this) by the end of the week his/her arms will be in proportion to the rest of his/her body. It’s sentences like that that make me realise just how strange the development of this thing is, and I still can’t quite put that together with the fact that this is all going on inside my wife! Maybe it’ll be easier to get my head round by the time the bump appears, and the little fella (or felles) looks much more baby like. What else? Well, apparently both Liver and Pancreas are excreting fluids (yum!) and he/she can now squint, frown and grimace (bodes well!)

I’m determined to post more often now the blog’s up and running again. Fingers crossed I actually manage it!

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