Mr Jibs and the Grizzle Monkey have an adventure

One rainy, December day, Mr Jibs decided to go on an adventure.

“Are you coming, Grizzle Monkey?” he asked.

“Waaaahhhhh” repied the Grizzle Monkey.

“Righty ho”, said Mr Jibs, and off they went.

On the first day of  the adventure, they set up camp in the wild flower meadow. They played with Auntie Rhiannon in the afternoon, and she brought them a giant sock! Mamgu and Tadcu met them in the afternoon, and they had adventures together for a while.

On the second day of the adventure they hid in a cave with Mami and Dadi and the four of them had adventures all day. In the evening, they had a picnic and they ate with both Mami and Dadi

On the third day of the adventure they were joined by Grandma Stacey, Uncle Colin, and Palindrome the Rhino and they played together, and dozed together, even though it rained. After they had said ‘goodbye’ to Grandma and Uncle Colin, and put Palindrome in the field with the other animals, they went to the book shop and to Mr Cohen’s giant emporium for fruit juice and pizza,  which they gave to Mami and Dadi as a present.

On the fourth day of the adventure the midwife lady visited and said they were both doing fine. Then they packed a bag of supplies and set out for the village. They got a piece of paper from a nice lady which confirmed that they did, in fact exist. They both agreed that this was good. They went to the best shop in the world, and Mr Jibs met Mami’s friends and collegues while the Grizzle Monkey hid in the bag. Then they went shopping for a posh frock for Mami, but didn’t like any that she found. The Grizzle Monkey popped his head of the bag, where he had been hiding and suggested they went home, and Mami and Dadi agreed. So they did.

On the fifth day of the adventure they were both surprised to see Dadi.

“I thought you had to go back to work” said Mr Jibs

“Waaaahhhh” added the Grizzle Monkey

Then Dadi explained that the nice people at school had given him annual leave while him and Mami were in the hospital waiting for them to arrive, which meant his paternity leave didn’t start until the Monday, so he didn’t have to back to work until the  10th. Mr Jibs and the Grizzle Monkey agreed that that was lovely, and that they liked having Dadi around. Then the lady with the scales came and weighed the Grizzle Monkey and said that he weighted 7lbs 4 1/2 ozs. Then she measured him and said he was 49cm long, so he wee’d on her bag to say thank you. Then in the evening Uncle Rhys came to visit. He brought with him a portable skyscraper, a fleet of ships and a spotty lion.

“Good grief”, said Mr Jibs. “I think we’re going to need to hire a zoo keeper”

“Waaaaahhhh” said the Grizzle Monkey.

Becuase he seemed a little unsure, Mr Jibs hid the Grizzle Monkey, and then Uncle Rhys and Mr Jibs had a discussion about Dadi, and Uncle Rhys taught Mr Jibs some new words. They agreed that the three of them would meet up on Saturday and talk some more.

After Uncle Rhys had gone, Mr Jibs and the Grizzle Monkey told Dadi all about their adventures and he wrote them all down.

“Any plans for tomorrow?” asked Dadi

“More adventures I expect” said Mr Jibs

“Waaaaahhhhh” said the Grizzle Monkey

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