Day 3. In which the author snatches a few quiet minutes

Blimey. What a roller coaster. Sions and Curig were let out yesterday lunchtime, and it’s fantastic having them home. Sions is catching up on some much needed sleep upstairs, and Curig is napping down in the front room with me.

Yesterday was another eventful day. He met his Auntie Maria who’d come to visit, then we Skyped down to my folks, so he’s virtually met the rest of the clan. Then Cerys, Deio and Janet arrived, followed not too long after by Hywel and Blodwen. Many many photos were taken, and I had to get rescued from behind a chair by Janet after I’d fallen trying to take a picture.

He’s been waking for feeds, which is brilliant. The current system is Sions feeds him for an hour while I go and do stuff (been to school, shopping trip next one), then I change and play with him for a bit while she goes back to sleep, then he naps for a while until he wakes up and the whole process starts over again.

Photo count now up to 247, although in my defense, some of those are duplicates that I’ve been playing around with in iPhoto.

Oop, I think he’s waking up…

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