D-Day minus 8, in which Dave becomes invisible.

Back to the hospital today for more tests. They wired Sions up to the same machine as before and monitored the baby’s heartbeat for about 40 mins. Everything seems fine – ‘generally reassuring’ got written in the notes (at least, we think that’s what it says, these people really should learn to write more clearly), so we’re back on Tues to have a chat with the consultant.

But the really surprising thing about the visit was the fact that for about an hour I apparently became invisible. I think my precence was acknowledged twice, and one of those was when we were leaving. I know the priority is, and should be, Sionedwyn (who I think may end up drowning in the birth pool anyone who calls her ‘Sioned’ during labour),  but I would have expected at least some eye contact, a smile, or maybe some of the feedback to be directed to us both, rather than so specifically at her. One of the highlights was the old lady who came into the room, offered ‘cup of tea’, and then turned on her heels and wandered off when Sions said ‘ no thanks’.

‘But you’re not the patient’ a couple of people have pointed out to me. But isn’t the point that neither of us are ‘patients’. We’re parents to be. And while I won’t be the one squeezing the baby out I can’t help thinking that as an organisation, the NHS could do with getting it’s attitudes out of the 80’s and into the 21st Century.

ps. There were going to be photos attached to this post, but I haven’t taken them off Sionedwyn’s phone. We’ll try and do a pic update sometime this week.

pps. I think it’s worth noting here that Rhys just phoned to find out if there was any movements, and if he’d won the sweepstake. No movements yet Rhys, which is just as well as you actually guessed the 19th.

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