In which the author talks to The World.

Dave: Hello world, sorry I haven’t blogged in ages. How are you?

World: Not too bad thanks Dave, you know how it is. How’s tricks?

Dave: Not bad thanks world. Been pretty busy. Last half term was pretty manic by the end, but I’m pretty chilled out at the moment. I think impending fatherhood does that. Either that, or there’s something in that new packet of tea bags.

World: Could be Dave, could be. How’s Sionedwyn?

Dave: Not bad thanks. She’s sat next to me going through the iTunes library on the mac creating some playlists for the birth. I’ve been sat in the floor for the last ten minutes, making a variety of suggestions, most of which, quite rightly, were roundly rejected. She’s now flicking through assorted classical tracks. I’m not sure if this baby’s going to be born to the sound of Mozart or Meatloaf.

World: How long left now then?

Dave: Due date is three weeks today!

World: Blimey heck as like!

Dave: I’ve never actually heard anyone say that before you know

World: Well, er… let’s move on. Has she finished work now?

Dave: Yes, she broke up at the some time I finished for half term, which meant we got to spend last week together doing various preparation stuff, visiting my parents, and our new nephew. She’s also just lent over and pointed out that the seventh word of the first sentence in this part should be ‘same’ not ‘some’. The fact that I’m writing this blog post in script format, with the world as the other half of the conversation apparently wasn’t worthy of comment. Not sure if that says more about me or her.

World: I suppose if you were any good at this writing thing, this would be the point where you started working in those ironic, post-modern, knowing asides that modern humour writers love so much.

Dave: Yeah, just as well I’m not one of those isn’t it. They can easily slip into self indulgent bollocks.

World: Yeah, it would be a shame for that to happen

Dave: Yeah.

World: So what was the point of this post again?

Dave: Not really sure. I just noticed that I hadn’t blogged here for ages. This was going to be one of those humorous sports-score style posts, but it strangely turned into this conversation style thing instead.

Dave: Sorry for the pause there world, next door but one are letting off loads of fireworks, so I went and got the camera, switched off the flash and made my way to the window just in time for them to stop. Anyway, where was I? Oh yes, update since September…

World: Don’t feel you have to Dave, if you’ve got other things to do.

Dave: That’s ok World. There’s a bit of marking to be done, but that can wait a few minutes. Ooo. hang on…

…Got a photo.

fireworks. sort of

…Probably not worth it.Anyway, Since September it’s mostly been school stuff, what with teaching History, sorting out web stuff and doing the SMART thing (not very well if I’m honest), and baby things. Nursery is pretty much done, we’ve got almost everything we need, including a cool buggy with a car seat that you can open up into a sleep pod thing so the baby can stay in it, a whole bunch of different reusable nappies, a globug egg that’s telling us upstairs might be a bit too warm, and a nursing chair that came with the wrong set of instructions. We’ve also just ordered a digital SLR camera from ebay, so we can take decent picture, without the horrible delay that plagues my pictures (obviously all the pictures I take with this one will be staggering works of photographic genius), a new macbook, partly so Sions can be online wirelessly, and partly so we can get Leopard!

The bump is now really bump shaped, and it actually really suits Sions. She’s still being sick occasionally, but seems to be feeling better than she did. Basically the pregancy can be summed up as morning sickness, with a 6 week break in the middle. We think we’re sorted for names, although she does keep having dreams in which the baby isn’t the sex the hospital told us it was. We’ve got another name lined up in case we do find ourselves in that 2%. If everything goes to plan then the baby’s going to be born at home. We’ve ordered the birthing pool, and the music is being put together as I type. I’m really looking forward to it now, the closer we’ve got the closer to the birth I’ve been able to visualise. I think seeing Deio helped there, and since I last wrote he arrived (5 1/2 weeks early) and is now doing well at home.

World: That’s great Dave…

Dave: Sorry world, forgot about you there, that slipped back into a bit of a first person, stream of conciousness kind of thing

World: Yeah we noticed. Anyway, it’s been great catching up Dave, but haven’t you got some work to do?

Dave: Yeah, I suppose I have World. I’ve just realised that when I type this, the voice in my head isn’t mine, but Jimmy Rabbit from the Committments. Anyway, I’m going to post this and make a cup of tea. Would you like one before you go?

Terry: No, that’s fine thanks Dave. I’ll be off now, but don’t leave it so long before you post again.

Dave: I’ll try. Mind how you go now.

Mrs Goggins: Cheerio Pat.

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