DIY and sweepstakes

Things are actually going pretty well in the DIY stakes. The walls of the snook are now a nice yellow colour, the minging carpet is no more and I’m about to embrak on my maiden attempt at laying a floor. In addition the garden is pretty much taimed, and today I even did some digging. Horrah. I’m sure there’s man points for digging.

We’ve also launched the baby guessing game over on facebook, inviting people to have a go at guessing the gender, weight and date and time of birth of young Ytbn (for some reason I only ever call it* that here…) So far 35 people have joined the group and we’ve got 15 guesses. I’ll probably come up with some kind of summary board on the Babi tab at Which reminds me, I need to figure out how to get an RSS feed for just one category for this blog…

* oops, just had to delete a gender specific pronoun!

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